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Past co-creators

All Day Sunday Co.
Featured Brand
All Day Sunday Co. is a pleasure-centered wellness company, based out of Canada. They offer CBD and THC products for menstrual health. As a queer-owned company, they are dedicated to offering alternative methods of pain management and to de-stigmatizing and de-gendering menstruation.

Earth & Salt
Featured Brand
A modern adult store based in Burlington, VT, the homeland of the Abenaki Tribe. Selling sex toys and accessories, books, and gender expression goods, Earth and Salt also promotes a holistic and pleasure-centered perspective on sex and pleasure, and creates social justice through healing, community, and fair business practices.

Sika Valmé
Featured Artist
Sika Valmé is a contemporary Creole-Canadian illustrator and musician born in Haïti. Her creations capture sensations from a tropical vibe, and they are influenced by the natural world, the human essence and the cosmos. Sika is currently producing her second album merging Ambient-LoFi electro to sounds in the West Indies cultures.

Toni Brennan
Logo Artist
Toni Brennan (they/she) is a multi-medium Portrait Artist and Creative Writer— with a focus on surrealism, bodily autonomy, and memory work. Inspired by auto-cannibalism and social philosophy, their work seeks to
center forms of abstract portraiture that combine bodies and nature as they mingle in surrealistic spaces of memory and interpersonal environments. Brennan has art and literary works published in multiple Issues of Shey/They Magazine as well as Illagrypho Press.

Coty Nolin
Zine Collaborator
Coty Nolin is a sex and relationships therapist in the Denver area. She seeks to collaborate with clients through learning the individual and relational experiences that inform their lives and their goals for therapy. Coty works to create a therapeutic alliance through a compassionate yet direct, non-judgmental approach. She integrates mind-body connection as well as mindfulness practices into her philosophy of therapy. Her approach is trauma-informed, and meets the client where they are at. Coty has a background working in sexual health and sex education with a range of communities. She has experience working with individuals, couples, and family systems. Coty is interested in working with therapy areas including LGBTQ+ topics, non-monogamy, kink/BDSM, sexual desire and intimacy, sexual trauma, anxiety, communication. You can find her @queerandcurious
Want to collaborate?
We want to work with you! Whether you are new to the field or an experienced educator we hope to connect and find a way for our platform to showcase your voice, knowledge, or ideas.
In the past, we have worked with both individuals and companies to create collaborative projects such as co-written zines, product reviews, artist features, and more.
If you're interested in connecting to brainstorm possible projects, please contact us through the form below or reach out to us on Instagram @queersexedcc.